Please complete and submit this form.
Once submitted, you should receive an email confirming that we have received your form. If you do not receive this confirmation email, check your spam and make sure to approve email from to ensure that your family match email does not go to spam. If you do not receive a confirmation email within 24 hours, please email us at
Once you are matched with a family, you will receive a family match email that details the family’s wish list and provides you with the date and location to drop off your wrapped gifts. Family matching can begin as early as mid-October and will continue through November. We match sponsors in the order that we receive sponsor forms and according to the families we have available.
To help determine what size family is a fit for your budget, you can ballpark roughly $85-$100 per person. It’s difficult to pin this number down as it changes depending on the size of the family and the number of children. For reference, your generosity provides two toys/gifts plus a gift card for clothing for children under 18 years old; a gift card for each adult (18+) in the household so no one is left out; and a few items for the household (a Market Basket gift card to make their holiday feast special, a gift card to purchase an item for the household, and a family game if desired). All in all, we aim to take the stress out of the holiday season and allow families to enjoy the blessings of the season and their time together!
We start matching families towards the end of October. Your family match email will contain the gift purchasing guidelines, your drop off date and drop off location and details. We match donors in the order we receive requests and according to the families we have available. We appreciate your patience!