Career Opportunities

Shelter & Transitional Housing Program

Shelter & Transitional Housing Program

Lazarus House Ministries offers an opportunity to work among a diverse group of dedicated professionals. You can make a real difference in the lives of families and individuals struggling with food insecurity, poverty and homelessness.

This good service is borne out of a strong team, faith in God and each other, dignity, respect, collaboration and a heart for people of all backgrounds who have found themselves in poverty.

We serve our Guests through programs that include Advocacy, Shelter, Transitional Housing, Soup Kitchen, Community Resource Support, Thrift Stores and our Food Pantry.

We are looking for professionals committed to meeting our mission. Current job opportunities are posted as they become available.

Thank you for your interest.

Current Openings

Community Resource Outreach Worker


This position is the primary contact for potential recipients of LHM services and those experiencing homelessness. Functions include performing an initial needs assessment and referral to internal and external (community services) as needed, act as liaison with community agencies and perform as part of the advocacy team to ensure all who come to the door are treated with dignity and respect.

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Enrichment Coordinator


Homeless children are more likely to have experienced trauma and its associated affects, they are also at greater risk than their stably housed counterparts of experiencing delays in development, trouble in school and problems related to behavior and social functioning. The Enrichment Coordinator will develop and implement an enrichment program that will support youth and families by planning, preparing and supporting related activities such as family events, field trips, and after school resource programs.

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Facilities Manager


The Facilities Manager will provide support to the Director of Operations by handling the needs of LHM properties. This position will be responsible for coordinating/performing regular building maintenance, special projects, and addressing safety concerns.

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Food PAntry Worker


The Food Pantry Worker is responsible for assisting the Food Coordinator and working with/leading volunteers to ensure the day-to-day operations of the Food pantry are running properly and are in alignment with the Mission of Lazarus House Ministries. Occasional overtime may be required (seasonal holidays and weekends).

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Shelter Advocate/Case Manager


Our shelter provides an opportunity to break the cycle of poverty and resume independent living in the future. These functions include performing initial assessment/intake and case management to individual single females and families entering the shelter. The shelter advocate will ensure that all who come to the door are treated with dignity and respect as they assist in helping guest find permanent stability.

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Lazarus House Ministries ofrece la oportunidad de trabajar entre un grupo diverso de profesionales que son dedicados. Usted puede hacer una verdadera diferencia en las vidas de las familias y las personas que luchan con la inseguridad alimentaria, la pobreza y la falta de vivienda.

Este buen servicio nace de un equipo fuerte, de la fe en Dios y fe en el uno y el otro, de la dignidad, del respeto, de la colaboración y de un corazón para las personas de todos los orígenes que se han encontrado en la pobreza.

Servimos a nuestros Huéspedes a través de programas que incluyen Defensa, Refugio, Vivienda de Transición, Cocina De Sopa, Apoyo a Recursos Comunitarios, Tiendas de Segunda mano y preparación de trabajo de Artes Culinarias.

Lazarus House proporciona un medio ambiente seguro de COVID-19 con estrictos protocolos de seguridad y formación para cada puesto ofrecido en todas las áreas del Ministerio.