For Robert Jackson, the Boston Marathon is more than just a race.
“It embodies everything that is so great about this city, and unites the people of Boston and beyond in a way that transcends sports,” said Jackson, who is fulfilling a dream in running his first Boston Marathon.
Running as part of the Lazarus House team, he said, allows him to share its mission and ensure that his friends and family understand how their donation will make a difference.
“The wealth and income divides in our communities compound issues of social inequality, and Lazarus House provides hope so we can combat this. I love playing my small part in that endeavor,” he said.
An investment analyst, Jackson has “run the numbers” and is confident he will reach his fundraising goal of $10,000.
But beyond the $10,000 goal, Jackson intends to make an additional personal donation which his employer, Baupost Group, will match.
Lazarus House “does fantastic work to help combat poverty and homelessness,” he said. “That is critically important in an area with an increased cost of living.”