Fall Appeal 2024

I wanted to share a story of one of our Guests dealing with change. One mom, we will call her Serafina, lives at our Family Shelter and has been looking for a job for months. With the responsibility of caring for two children, how could she find a job that would provide a way forward for herself and her children? Through our Community Resources program, a job fair was set up with our committed corporate partner, Amazon. Serafina was interviewed, hired and was the first Lazarus House Guest to take part in a new training program at their North Andover facility.
One of the major obstacles she faced was the language barrier. Amazon worked with Serafina on her English skills and provided her the opportunity to assist other Spanish-speaking Amazon employees. She was quickly promoted to Amazon Trainer and now wears a vest announcing her title as “Learning Ambassador.” She is incredibly proud of this vest and the affirmation it represents. When she returned to share the news of her new title with everyone at the Shelter, they celebrated with a cake, smiles, hugs and tears. Serafina said “My Lazarus House family is what made this possible. They believed in me so I could believe in myself. I am so grateful.” This is a first step, a change for good, on the path to self-sufficiency.
Our advocacy staff focuses on our Guests, our moms and their children, providing them with the feeling of safety and the skills needed to make the best decisions for themselves and their families. None of the successes Serafina and other Guests like her are able to achieve would be possible without your financial support. Your generosity allows us to provide services not only to Serafina, but also to the many Guests who access our emergency winter shelter, community resources, food pantry, soup kitchen and so much more; each treated with dignity and respect. Your donations enable us to continue providing critical resources to serve our Guests with love, hope and service.
I am asking you – our devoted and dependable donors – to make a financial donation. Your gift will make a significant impact in the lives of our Guests facing the challenges of material poverty, homelessness and food insecurity. Please visit our website https://lazarushouse.org/ways-to-give/ or scan the QR code below to make your donation today. Thank you sincerely for all you do for our Guests.

Executive Director